The Anambra Police Command has successfully recovered the vehicle belonging to kidnapped lawmaker, Mr. Justice Azuka, who represents Onitsha North Constituency 1 in the House of Assembly. The recovery was confirmed by SP Tochukwu Ikenga, the command’s Public Relations Officer, in a statement issued in Onitsha.According to Ikenga, the vehicle was recovered following an intensive operation by the command’s operatives attached to the Inland Town Division, Onitsha.
The lawmaker was kidnapped by gunmen on December 24, at about 9:20 pm, while on his way home on Ugwunabampa Road, Onitsha. A rescue team spotted the abandoned vehicle on Upper Iweka Road. The Commissioner of Police, Mr. Nnaghe Itam, has directed the rescue team to intensify efforts to rescue the lawmaker and apprehend the kidnappers.
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