Three men, Kaushal Kumai, Vivek Kumar, and Amit Kumar, tragically lost their lives in a road accident after their car’s satellite navigation system directed them off the edge of an unfinished bridge. The incident occurred on Saturday, November 23, while the trio was traveling from Gurgurgam to Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, after attending a wedding. Their car plummeted off the bridge connecting Faridpur and Dataganj over the Ramganga River at 2:30 pm.
The bodies of the victims were discovered the next day at 9:30 am, trapped inside the mangled car. An investigation revealed that the trio had been following an outdated map on Google Maps, which instructed them to drive down the bridge.The bridge had collapsed in 2022 due to heavy flooding and had no signs indicating it was out of use. The men, unaware of the danger, drove off the bridge at speed, resulting in their tragic deaths.
All three victims worked as security guards, according to local media reports. Their bodies were transported by boat to the nearby city of Faridpur for a formal post-mortem examination. Following the tragedy, four engineers and a Google Maps engineer were called in for questioning by local authorities, as reported by the Times of India. This incident raises concerns about the reliability of satellite navigation systems and the importance of ensuring that maps are up-to-date and accurate to prevent such tragedies.